Mapping Power in Indianapolis

Begun in 2019, Networks of Power, Equity, and Indianapolis’ Cultural Ecologies examines the city’s arts and culture infrastructure (grant programs, board memberships, community impact, arts and culture initiatives, etc.) with a focus on examining how this infrastructure generates power networks and how these networks sustain, reproduce, and transform structures and systems in the arts and cultural sector.

In 2021-22, the team will produced a report consisting of three elements: 1) a social network analysis of Indianapolis cultural, philanthropic, and civic boards to demonstrate the ways in which specific individuals, social networks, and institutions wield concentrated authority in the arts and cultural sector; 2) a survey analyzing how artists and community members perceive and experience diversity and equity in the arts; and 3) a series of policy recommendations to guide non-profits and government entities as they work to make the city's arts and culture landscape more equitable.

Currently, members of the research team are producing their dissertation research.

Research Team

Jason M. Kelly, PhD | Project Lead
Emily Leiserson, MA
Cale Erwin, MA

Research Assistants

Lauren Hall, MA
Mimi Oluwafemi, JD
Shonda Nicole Gladden, MA


The Indianapolis Foundation, Central Indiana Community Foundation