Indiana University Indianapolis Indiana University Indianapolis IU Indianapolis

Cultural Ecologies
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Cultural Ecologies
A Project of the IU Indianapolis Arts and Humanities Institute

Residency Programs

The IAHI hosts multiple residency programs through the Cultural Ecologies, including the City State Residency and the Scholar-in-Residence Program. Cultural Ecologies has managed the IAHI’s other artist residencies as well, including the Welcoming Campus Artist Residency and the Anthropocene Household Artist Residency.



The current Cultural Ecologies residencies are on hold as we devote our energies to the Speculative Play and Just Futurities residency program.


City State Residency

The City State Residency is a curated program that invites experts from a full-spectrum of professions and practices to participate in collaborative ventures in the city of Indianapolis. Residents include visual, performing, and literary artists as well as individuals who work in the fields of design, science, or the humanities. By embedding visiting, multidisciplinary residents with various community organizations throughout Indianapolis, we intend to generate new perspectives, catalyze collaborative projects, and learn from the past to design for the future. By participating in a global conversation, we hope to discover the things we have in common with other cities as well as uncover the things that make Indianapolis unique. To learn more about the City State Residency, please click here.

Scholars-in-Residence Program

The Scholar-in-Residence Program welcomes short-term and long-term visiting scholars whose interests intersect with the Cultural Ecologies Project. As part of the IAHI's work in developing new modes for cultural participation and understanding the impact of the arts and humanities on cities, we encourage artists and scholars to reach out to us to explore ways that we might collaborate. 

This program was temporarily paused in response to COVID-19. Between 2023 and 2026, those wishing to participate in IAHI residency programs should apply to the Speculative Play and Just Futurities residency.

Meet the Residents