
The Religion, Spirituality, and the Arts (RSA) is a program of the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute that brings together artists, religious leaders, religious communities, humanities experts, and a broad range of publics from diverse backgrounds and disciplinary perspectives for sustained study, analysis, and discussion of religious texts in a classroom environment. Directed by Rabbi Sandy Sasso, these textual discussions, which explore the varieties of religious experience and understanding, provide the inspiration for creating new artistic works (e.g. music, poetry, fiction, drama, visual art, dance). Artists share their creations through exhibitions and presentations to members of the Central Indiana community, including religious organizations, congregations, schools, libraries, and community groups. 

RSA programming fosters a respectful and stimulating environment designed to nurture creativity. With a world class faculty from across the disciplines, RSA invites students from a broad range of artistic practices and diverse experiences. RSA programming is offered in partnership with Christian Theological Seminary and the Jewish Community Center of Indianapolis.

Religion, Spirituality, and the Arts at the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute by 6500jmk4 on Scribd


RSA 2022-2023

Religion, Spirituality, and the Arts (RSA) is a program of the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute that brings together artists, religious leaders, religious communities, humanities experts, and a broad range of publics from diverse backgrounds and disciplinary perspectives for sustained study, analysis, and discussion of religious texts in a classroom environment.

Directed by Rabbi Sandy Sasso, these textual discussions, which explore the varieties of religious experience and understanding, provide the inspiration for creating new artistic works (e.g. music, poetry, fiction, drama, visual art, dance). Artists share their creations through exhibitions and presentations to members of the Central Indiana community, including religious organizations, congregations, schools, libraries, and community groups. 

2022-23 Theme: “I Will Not Let You Go Until You Bless Me”

This year's theme invites artists to be interpreters of Jacob’s dreams. From the ladder that reaches to the heavens to the lonely night of wrestling, these iconic narratives challenge us to ask hard questions: what are our struggles, personal and communal, and which do we avoid? What would it mean to find a way to blessing? Reflecting on our climate crisis, what does it mean when Jacob says, “God is in this place, and I did not know it”? What do we fail to take notice of at our own peril?

The faculty list for the 2022-23 seminar is still growing. So far, the faculty include

  • Dr. David Craig, Professor of Religious Studies in the IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI

  • Daniel Cueto, Composer, Performer, Associate Instructor, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music

  • Dr. Andrew Findley, Associate Faculty in the IU School of Liberal Arts and Adjunct Instructor in the Herron School of Art and Design at IUPUI

  • Dr. Jason M. Kelly, Professor of History in the IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI

  • Franklin Oliver, Educator, poet, podcaster, history teacher at University High School

  • Dr. Sandy Sasso, Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck

  • Shari Wagner, Author and Indiana Poet Laureate (2016-2017)


Sessions will be held for 2 1/2 hours for a total of eight weeks and will meet evenings from 6:00–8:30 p.m. on 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 10/6, 10/20, 11/17, 12/1, 1/5. Seminars will be held at the Jewish Community Center, 6701 Hoover Road, Ind. IN 46260.

How to Apply

Applications for this seminar will be accepted from May 1 to June 15, 2022.

Applicants may be anyone in the community who is active (as a professional or amateur) in the artistic disciplines. Selected applicants must be able to make a commitment to attend all seminar sessions and engage in open and respectful dialogue. Seminar participants will produce creative work to be performed and/or exhibited in a public forum. Seminar participants who attend all sessions and contribute as well as contribute art to the group exhibition will receive a $500 stipend at the conclusion of the program.